Sunday 25 August 2013

Edderthorpe Flash August WeBS count

I wont bore readers with everything but the highlights from todays counts are;- Greylag Goose 2, Canada Goose 470, Shelduck 2, Mallard 490, Garganey eclipse drake, Teal 440, Shoveler 110, Gadwall 104, Wigeon 12, Lapwing 646, Ruff 10, Golden Plover 1, Common Sand 2, Green Sand 2, Greenshank 4, Ringed Plover 6, Curlew Sandpiper 1 juvenile came in at 08.40 and was still present late afternoon, Little Stint 2 juveniles were present late afternoon, Snipe 6, Little Egret 2, Grey Heron 5, Moorhen 60. And gulls;- Black-headed 520, Common 2, LBB 10. In total there were about 3200 birds to be counted on the flash! And still about 2700 not including gulls.


  1. Greylag Goose 240 is the count. (must be a computer glitch)

  2. Graham there were 4 Little Egrets and 12 Black-tailed Godwits on the flash yesterday (Saturday) just after mid-day. (Chris Parkin)


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