Sunday 25 August 2013

Wintersett 25.08.13

14°C  hazy and overcast this morning rising to 21°C and sunny with a NW wind.
After the flying start yesterday, a much quieter day was a  let down for the regulars,  especially the two who  were equipped with lounging chairs!  I'll refrain from posting the photos marking the beginning of the end.
Anglers CP   A juvenile Mediterranean Gull flew in to the shallows this afternoon wearing a  white DARVIC ring with 3AAE,  in black, on its left leg.  It also had a metal ring on its right leg.
Black-necked Grebe 1,  Common Sandpiper,  Common Tern 4 and 3rd Summer Yellow-legged Gull, 
ACP Vis Mig:  Common Tern 6 N at 08.57   Arctic Tern  1 juvenile NE at 08.30,  Snipe 1 N,  Merlin 1E at 10.47 and Cormorant 19 N at 11.37.

Juv. Med Gull  Ring   25.08.13      SDenny

Juvenile Mediterranean Gull                              SDenny

Juvenile Mediterranean Gull                              SDenny

1 comment:

  1. The Med Gull is from France or Belgium but the reporting site is a bit user unfriendly!


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