Saturday 15 July 2017

Edderthorpe & Houghton weekly roundup

It's been mainly waders again this last week.
The adult Greenshank has been present throughout, has have a couple of Oystercatchers. Ringed Plovers have peaked at 26 on Wednesday 12th with 22 on both Tuesday 11th and Saturday 15th with a maximum of 6 juveniles among them which is a rather low ratio. Little Ringed Plovers were at 14 (8 juvs) at the beginning of the week and have dwindled down to 8 (4 juvs) by the weekend. It is generally thought that both these 'ringed plovers' are probably fairly local breeding birds, congregating at a local wetland before heading off towards wintering grounds, however, a colour-ringed adult Little Ringed Plover seen on Wednesday has been traced to an origin in Slovenia! (that's at the northern tip of the former Yugoslavia). Clearly not all local birds at all.
Green Sandpipers are usually to be found on Houghton where they have now reached 6 and Common Sandpipers usually on Edderthorpe also peaked at 6. Dunlins are present daily, all adults up to now with a peak of just 3 including a very rusty coloured bird.
Black-tailed Godwits, just a flock of 4 stayed a short while until flushed on Wednesday.
A juvenile Water Rail is on Houghton where they have bred again.
Grey Heron up to 5 and Little Egret just a couple.
Not much happening duck wise;- an adult and juvenile Shelduck, Teal up to 8, yawn....  Still not a single brood of Tufted Ducks has been seen, could be the first time 'ever' of no breeding, and surely no coincidence the Mink is still being seen on the river.
A juvenile Yellow Wagtail joined the numerous Pieds on the Flash on Friday.

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