Saturday 15 July 2017

Wintersett 15.07.17

15 - 18 degrees,  drizzly start, dry by mid morning with 8/8 cloud and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: A Whimbrel flew south at 09.30hrs.  Common Sandpiper 1.  Pink-footed Goose 1.  Barn Owl 1.  Sand Martin 200.  Mallard 1 vs young.
Cold Hiendley Area: Feral Pigeon 75.  Goldcrest 1 singing male + 1 HPWood.  Oystercatcher 1.
Wintersett Res: A Meadow Pipit flew south.   Common Tern 5.  Pochard 1 male.

                                Whimbrel (Record Shot)      ACP  CSwaine

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