Sunday 16 July 2017

Wintersett 16.07.17

12 - 21 degrees with sunshine and scattered cloud and a north westerly breeze.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 1 male on west bank.  Grasshopper Warbler 1.   200 Sand Martin were around.
A total of 190 birds were ringed by Pete Smith today. 
Highlights were: 85 Sand Martin,  16 Willow Warbler,   11 Chiffchaff,   12 Reed Warbler,  4 Sedge Warbler,   10 Whitethroat,  1 Lesser Whitethroat,   20 Blackcap,  5 Garden Warbler,   1 Willow Tit,  2 Treecreeper  and 1 Jay. 
Anglers CP: Pink-footed Goose 1.  Pochard 6.  Common Gull 1.  A Peregrine flew north west 14.27hrs.  There was an influx of Black-headed Gulls mid afternoon. 
Critters: A Common Darter was on west bank WRes.  A Hedgehog was on Haw Park Lane. 

               Sand Martin ringed today.       WRes     CSwaine

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