Monday 17 July 2017

Wintersett 17.07.17

15 - 19 degrees, sunny with a light scattering of cloud and a  very light north westerly.
Anglers CP: An adult Water Rail was on the shallows.  Common Sandpiper 1.  Oystercatcher 1.  Pink-footed Goose 1.  Pochard 2.
Moorhouse Lane Ponds: Wigeon 1 female.
Disposal Point: Lesser whitethroat  1 and Green Woodpecker 1.
Wintersett Res: A flock of 2 summer plumage Black-tailed Godwit and 10 Redshank were flying over looking for a place to settle betwwen 15.25 and 15.30hrs.  They  were attacked  by an adult Peregrine, unsuccessfully.   The flock of waders cleared off,   and the Peregrine flew off south west at 15.30hrs.
Lepidoptera:  2 Ringlet and 2 Small Skipper ACP.

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