Sunday 3 March 2019

Wilthorpe Marsh, Fleets, Smithies pond, 3/3/19.

Wilthorpe, - Water Pipit showed well on mud feeding and preening with 10 Meadow Pipits. Chiffchaff 2 with 1 singing weakly. Water Rail showed well in flight with 2 more calling, L Egret 1, Oystercatcher 1 pair at oxbow pond and a pair of ad. Mute Swans here. Also, of note a male Yellowhammer, scarce here now. Fleets, - 4 GC Grebes the only noteable here with Smithies pond better with 6 Parakeets, fem. GS Pecker, c40 Goldfinch, c25 Redwing.

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