Saturday 2 March 2019

Wintersett - Main Hide roof refurb. 02.03.19

9 - 12 degrees with prolonged sunny spells this morning and a very light south westerly.  Cloud increased and there was some rain this afternoon.
Anglers CP: The main hide roof was stripped and replaced this morning by Graham Speight,  Steve Denny,   Pete Smith and Pete Williamson.
Curlew 1 over.  Golden Plover 1 over + 30 over Ryhill.  Jack Snipe 1.  Snipe 2.  Canada Goose 78.   
Haw Park Wood:   11 Crossbills were in trees near the picnic bench on the long straight path.  Lesser Redpoll 10.  Siskin 50.
Wintersett Res: Grey Wagtail 1.  Mallard 53.  Pochard 9.

Graham Speight,  Pete Smith,  Steve Denny and Pete Williamson  ACP Main Hide
Graham Speight and Steve Denny  Anglers CP  Main Hide

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