Thursday 19 April 2012

Adwick then to Edderthorpe

Green sand 1.
The recent heavy rain has made the lapwing meadow look a lot better and more interesting. A few pairs of teal and gadwall on there. Unfortunately the
excavated pool will not fill to the levels that were expected.

Then up to Edderthorpe to look at the reported problems.

Edderthorpe Ings
From the lay-by - avocet 5, arctic tern 1 N.
As previously reported on here; the river levels look potentially disastrous for breeding birds on site.
And yes, there's another 80m weather mast with all its fine tension cables to hold it in place being erected adjacent to RSPB Edderthorpe Ings. This mast could not have been designed or placed in a better position if it was purposfully intended to kill birds through collisions.
This just underlines the influence the RSPB is having in the Dearne Valley.

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