Thursday 19 April 2012

Wintersett 19.04.12

Rain all morning, dryish by 13.30.
Wintersett Res - Common Tern 2,  Kingfisher 1,  Sand Martin 60 + 50 ACP , Swallow  30  and the first WHITETHROAT of the year on the west bank.
Anglers CP - Arctic Tern 1,  Yellow Wagtail 2♂,  1 Swift,   Common Gull 2 adult Greenland White-fronted Goose  1,  Pink-footed Goose  4,  Teal  1♂ + 1♀,  Pochard 2 + 1♀.
Haw Park Wood -  Siskin 1,  Lesser  Redpoll  12

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