Tuesday 10 July 2012

End of at era!

OMG it's gone! The icon that was the Cuckoo Tree finally tumbled - CT, RIP

The Cuckoo Tree aint no more!
An evening visit to Old Moor and squish squash, they were right - the water does come over the wellies!

Best birds were an Arctic Tern (+ 4 Commons), Greenshank and 4 Common Sandpipers. Just had a dusk text from the Barnsley Blade who arrived well prepared for the floods with trousers tucked in socks (well, we Blades are optimists!) - 19 Black-wits just dropped in, 3 Barn Owls hunting main Marsh, Med' Gull over + Cuckoo Field Pool - wot, no tree?

No prizes for guessing what this is - lets just call it a platform for success!

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