Saturday 18 August 2012

Visible Migration

Figures for the first viz mig count at Harden Quarries on 18th August.
All movemenrs between southeast and southwest unless stated.
Time - 06:05hrs to 11:00hrs
Observers - Mick Cunningham and Nick Mallinson.
Cormorant 1, Mallard 1, Marsh Harrier 1, Curlew 6, Swift 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Swallow 320, House Martin 24, Meadow Pipit 61, alba wagtail sp - 2, finch sp 11, Siskin 1, Linnet 6 northeast & Crossbill 13.
per Mick Cunningham.

1 comment:

  1. thanks Martin, Hopefully I am back on now. Time should say start was 6am


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