Sunday 2 December 2012


The monthly meet is this coming Thursday 6th December at 07.15 at the Old Moor visitor centre (everything as usual). The speaker is the legendery Mike Richardson who in his usual manner with his usual high quality photographs will be entertaining us with his travels during the past 12 months.
All welcome, entrance fee of £2.50 with interval drinks.


  1. So basically it's just another set of holiday photographs to follow all the other sets of holiday photographs.
    I think I might just pass on that one.
    Then again if someone from the RSPB wants to present something that is significant to the long term future of birds in the Barnsley area, for example on the lines of the management strategy for Edderthorpe Ings - then I'd be there.

  2. Yet another negative,rude and offensive comment from the person who rarely contributes sightings to this blog.

  3. Instead of getting personal and calling people negative and rude; please point out what part of my previous statement is actually incorrect.
    And just a bit of history surrounding the Barnsley Bird Study Group - I was one of the first members of that group. At 10 or 11 years old I was the youngest person sat round the table in the YMCA. The only other young guy attending those meetings at that time was a guy called Mick Turton who is about a year older than me. That was 44 years ago.
    I used to attend those meetings on a regular basis and stopped going because of the following reasons:
    The meetings evolved into just an event to show holiday photographs
    Nothing of conservation value was ever discussed (which is my main interest)
    Amount of swearing was disgusting
    The group became very cliquey

  4. Not holiday photographs - but sharing birding experiences on a global scale which some may never experience and thus broadenening horizons wider than the SBSG recording area.
    I feel sure that the RSPB have a management plan for each area they manage that explains what, why and how they aim to develop and conserve sites.
    Yes, Swearing is often uncalled for, but how delicate are you! This was a mining area and I bet you don't only watch PG films.
    All groups become cliquey. It's human nature. Some people get along together, some don't. It's usually down to having a similar point of view and agreeing with each other, or agreeing to disagree, but ultimately always moving forward with ideas.
    One final point: In the words of Bambi - "If you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all!"

  5. I feel sure that the RSPB have a management plan for each area they manage that explains what, why and how they aim to develop and conserve sites.
    .............Have they? Have you seen those plans? Has the BBSG actually asked to see those plans? I would imagine that they haven't even asked - and this is the Barnsley Bird Study Group.
    Surely the welfare of the birds in the Barnsley area comes before someone's holiday snap shots.

    Yes, Swearing is often uncalled for, but how delicate are you! This was a mining area and I bet you don't only watch PG films.
    .............I'm talking about a while ago when the swearing got really bad. I admit I do swear but I don't shout it across the room when there are kids about. The level of swearing at these meetings got to a level where it was embarrassing. But I've heard that this doesn't happen like that now. Which is good to hear.

    All groups become cliquey. It's human nature. Some people get along together, some don't. It's usually down to having a similar point of view and agreeing with each other, or agreeing to disagree, but ultimately always moving forward with ideas.
    ...............All groups become cliquey - no they don't. Not to that level anyway.

    One final point: In the words of Bambi - "If you can't say anything nice, don't say nothing at all!"
    ...............Whats the matter with having open and frank debates - isnt that what blogs are for.

  6. Wouldn't have thought this blog was the right place for 'having open and frank debates' the clue is in the title 'Barnsley Bird Sightings' YES SIGHTINGS.

  7. Have to comment on this unprovoked attack on BBSG which is full of lies and nonsense (the usual) from the contributor who hides behind the moniker 'young nudger'.
    The meetings are attended by an average 30 - 35 people, so in a time when most local groups have either folded or are struggling (with the exception of Sheffield) then BBSG must be doing something right.
    The showing of 'holiday snaps' about 50% of talks are foreign based but to call them holiday snaps is to call David Attenborough a tourist. Very siplistic and of course wide of the mark. Talks in the last two winters have included titles as 'nestboxes in Barnsley' birds in the dark peak' SK58 birds' tree sparrows at Old Moor' do these really sound like someones holiday snaps? So we'll chalk that up as you being wrong.
    I also remember visiting early talks at the YMCA but also remember lots of other young faces there and meeting many friends for life - John Hewitt, Nick Addey, Gary Lee, Jeff Kula, Richard Wells and of course the founders - Phil Wordworth and Dave Standring. It would seem your memory is becoming selective. But what this had to do with your little rant I dont quite understand! Anyway- wrong again.
    The RSPB do hold meetings to tell anyone who will listen what is happening in the valley and what there plans are. Maybe you should try thinking (a novelty) for a moment just what has happened in the valley in the last 15 years and how things have and still are improving. Always focusing on the negatives and attacking individuals does little for moral. The rspb staff are under pressure as we all are, constantly having a (unjustified) dig at them does no help at all.
    Ah conservation - the banner you keep hiding behind and acuse no-one else of being interested in.BBSG always produce a annual bird report documenting the areas changing birdlife (to which you never contribute). Also in production is the breeding bird atlas which when published will be a vital conservation tool for the entire area. As I have also recently tried to point out to you, things such as the objection to development of the goldie fields, objections to shooting cormorants at Worsbro'etc have all been put to Barnsley Council by the group. So we'll call that another 'wrong'by you (theres a pattern building here.
    Maybe you think theres a call for a coservation officers post within BBSG? Come and talk to us - perhaps you think you could do it?
    And the swearing- well I can't say that didnt happen but neither can I confirm it did happen - just not something I remember. What I do remember is a certain 'old' lady who used to attend most meetings, Mrs Dawson from Barnsley Nats' a lovely and respected woman who I doubt most young people would have the nerve to swear in her presence. Youngsters also rarely swore in the presence of Phil Wordworth so again I find it hard to believe that it should be a problem, particularly to someone such as yourself who offended everyone on the coach on the way to watch the Reds at Wembley with your offensive language, many who no longer speak to you!
    So, we'll call that another wrong then.
    You certainly put some thought into these comments!

  8. OMG!!!
    I'm not personally attacking any individual and I haven't done so in the past.
    I have no problem with anyone who posts on here or any birder.
    So why all the personal attacks on Young Nudger?
    Is it the same old same old band wagon?
    It was common knowledge that the BBSG was just an occasion for people to show holiday photographs - if things are starting to change and important issues are starting to be discussed and addressed then I'm really glad to hear this.
    It's been a long long time coming.

    My position on the RSPB remains the same which is this - basically the RSPB are doing a good job and I have regularly said this to them (e.g. yesterday). However, this doesn't mean that improvements cannot be made. I think there are two major issues:
    1) Better and more effective control of water levels
    2) Nature reserve security

    But the main problem with the RSPB is their inability to communicate effectively with people that have had a long term interest in the valley. The RSPB have been handed the Old Moor on a plate and since then there is not one organisation monitoring or auditing their actions in the valley. Consequently the RSPB choose to totally ignore individuals that ask them difficult questions. If the Dearne Valley is to reach its potential the RSPB needs to change some of its methods in the valley.

    As for the other issues you mention:
    I mentioned the earlier BBSG meetings to illustrate that I have had a long association with that group. So it's not as though I've never been interested in the group, because I have been. Its worth looking in the 1970 - 1971 Barnsley bird report to see who was actually at the early BBSG meetings and who was 'contributing'.
    Also I do feel that you need to think twice before posting on this blog about family arguments that occurred on a bus years ago. I'm guessing the guy that told you this is the same guy from Edderthorpe that borrows my season ticket when I don't go to the matches. That's how much he doesn't talk to me.

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