Sunday 2 December 2012


Most of the wildfowl remain in their chosen sites;- Egyptian Geese 3, American Wigeon 1 drake CP with 230 Wigeon, Smew 1 drake TR, Scaup all 4 still present, Long-tailed Duck female on CP, Counts include;- Pochard 152, Goosander 28. A redshank was around and a Green Sand flew south in the morning. Seven Crossbills were in haw park and Waxwings - 2 on the CP in the morning and 6 flew north in the afternoon.
And finally gulls- the movement in the morning of Herring gulls was mirrored in the evening roost;- Herring 380, GBBG 18, LBBG 6, Yellow-legged Gull 1 first-winter, Common Gull 2010.

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