Monday 14 January 2013

Lower DV Update

Old moor: Bittern 1, Goosander 35+, Waxwing c360, 160 around the centre then flew south at 16.00, + c200 flew over Reedbeds at c16.10. Probably many more in total. Brambling 4, Yellowhammer 2, Tree Sparrow, 34, only 1 with colour rings which was ringed as nestling in box 100 on the 11/05/2011.

Adwick Wash: Pink foot 2, Snipe 25, Jack Snipe 7 (Dave Waddington) a fantastic record nowadays. Merlin male, Grey Partridge 25

1 comment:

  1. Quite a few Snipe about in lowland South Yorkshire recently with 57 Snipe and 12 Jack Snipe at Woodhouse Washlands today per SBSG website.


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