Monday 14 January 2013

Wintersett Two of a Kind 14.01.13

Very cold with snow falling from late morning to early afternoon.
Anglers CP Highlight today was the welcome return, of the male Long-tailed Duck.  He first arrived on WRes on the 27th November 2012, but only stayed for the day before leaving for Pugneys, where he has remained since then. When he flew in to Anglers early this morning he was swimming about 70 metres away from the female Long-tailed Duck. She  flew towards him after being disturbed by a vehicle empying bins around the lake.  When he saw her he perked up considerably,  and after that,  they were together all day. Now it's just a waiting game - Will they stay, go or separate?
Also at Anglers CP this morning: A 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull,  Water Rail 1, Wigeon 200,  Pochard 190,  Teal 12,  Canada Goose 183,  Greylag Goose 86,  Little Grebe 2.
Wintersett Res had 2 male Scaup.
Anglers Gull Roost tonight held the usual 1st W Caspian Gull that showed well from the hide, on the islands, from 15.55hrs, along with  2  1st W Yellow-legged Gulls.  Also present were 181 Herring Gulls,  26 Great Black-backed Gulls and 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull.
A Bittern was seen, roosting in reedbeds on WRes. at dusk.

Male and Female Long-tailed Duck             K Denny

Record Shot -  Male Long-tailed Duck    K Denny

Record Shot - Male and Female Long-tailed Duck    K Denny

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