Monday 15 July 2013

Hugsett Wood

Buzzard and Kestrel, but our main task today was to count the butterflies. Accompanied by Hibbert & Corrall we saw 103 White Letter Hairstreak, 3 Purple Hairstreak, 6 Comma, 24 Meadow Brown and several Speckled Wood.

 White Letter Hairstreak (Les Corrall)

Cudworth (my garden)
Barred Yellow, Poplar Hawk, Flame Shoulder, Gothic, The Rivulet, Common Footman and Short Cloaked.

River Dearne & Storrs Mill Wood area. (Chris Parkin)
Treecreeper, Kingfisher 2, Mute Swan pair with 7 cygnets. Butterflies included a new brood of Comma 22, Small Tortoiseshell 108, Holly Blue 2, Gatekeeper 42, Speckled Wood 57, Purple Hairstreak 7, Small Skipper 110, Ringlet 442. and a faded old Peacock.


  1. Cliff,
    A brilliant count of White-Letter Hairsteak. Had a look around for them about a week ago late afternoon but nothing then. What time of day were you in Hugset and were they widespread?

  2. Agree with Geoff - fantastic count and a cracking photo


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