Wednesday 10 July 2013

The news on this day

Old Moor: Wigeon 10, Green Sand' 2, Common Sand', Redshank 4, Avocet 11 young, Med' Gull adult (metal-ringed new arrival). The photo below is of the Bitterns nest at the Reedbeds. As far as we know all four young fledged successfully. Fantastico!  The Reedbeds will remain shut for the time being whilst various work is carried out.

Wombwell Ings: Little Egret 3, Wigeon 2, Ringed Plover 4, LRP 11 (3 juvs)

Additional Edderthorpe stuff from Grahams early am visit: Ringed Plover 24, LRP 11, Black t Godwit, Green Sand', Common Sand' 3, Redshank 13

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