Wednesday 10 July 2013

Wintersett 10.07.13

Cloudy,  16 degrees, cool, light breeze.
Wintersett Res:  Common Gull 1 south,  Pochard 2 + 8 ACP,  Great Crested Grebe 2 broods + 1 young ACP,  Common Tern 3,  Yellow Wagtail 2 over and  Grasshopper Warbler 1 male.
103 birds were ringed this morning including  30 Blackcap, 4 Garden Warbler,  2 Lesser Whitethroat,  5 Whitethroat,  29 Willow Warbler and 10 Chiffchaff.
Overnight moth trapping produced:  Pine Hawk-moth,  Sandy Carpet,  Scarce Silver-lines and Silky Wainscott.

Sandy Carpet                                                 ASmith

Scarce Silver-lines                                           ASmith

Pine Hawk-moth                                     ASmith


  1. Fabulous moths you are getting.I had Poplar Hawk and Common Emerald last night. Also 2 Purple Hairstreaks at Carlton Marsh. Unfortunately I still can't put any text on the blog until presumably the blogmaster sorts it. Little Egret over last night east (Geoff Miller)

  2. Hi Cliff,
    Try this that I found when I Googled Blogger problems -

    Clear cache,history and cookies from the 'Tools' menu at the top of the screen when you connect to internet on your computer.
    If you use a phone to blog try clearing cache, history and cookies using the settings button or Google - How do I clear etc..... on a (make and model) phone? and then follow instructions.
    Hope that helps.

  3. Thanks Ange I will have a look at this


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