Sunday 2 March 2014

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 02.03.14

6°C,  mild but overcast with a light south westerly.  Showers late afternoon increasing in intensity by 18.00hrs.
Anglers CP:  A 1stW Herring Gull wearing a Black DARVIC ring with white letters JX347 on right leg and a metal ring on left leg.   Cormorant 19,  Snipe 9, Teal 4 and  Gadwall 4.
Wintersett Res:  Cetti's Warbler 1 male calling and a Greater Spotted Woodpecker drumming in Pits Wood.   A Woodcock was seen after dark.
Cold Hiendley Res: Goosander 15
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill  and Siskin 70.
Gull Roosts:
Both roosts were watched tonight because of  the comings and goings of some fine notables.
First in to Anglers CP was a new to us, adult Kumlien's Gull at 15.35hrs.  It left for WRes at 15.58hrs.  and was found there at 16.40hrs.
Next in to ACP was an adult Iceland Gull at 16.04hrs.  It left south for WRes at 16.20hrs, but presumably went to fields because it didn't fly in there until 17.05hrs.
A 3rdW Yellow-legged Gull  was next in to WRes. at 17.15hrs.
Finally a 2ndW Iceland Gull flew in to Wres. at 17.35hrs.
All the white-wingers were still present  at dark - 18.00hrs.
These birds were all seen in and among 1200 Herring Gulls,  95 Great Black-backed Gulls,  12 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and an uncounted, but great number of Black-headed Gulls.

Adult Kumlien's Gull                            SDenny
Adult Iceland Gull                           SDenny            

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