Wednesday 18 March 2015

Wintersett 18.03.15

3°C cold and frosty start,  sunny spells with a light northerly.
Anglers CP:  The first 2 Sand Martin of the year were seen by 2 visitors from Rochdale.   The Rock Pipit was seen early this morning.  Snipe 21,   Curlew 1 over,   Linnet 1 over,  Pochard 13,  Goosander 3,  Grey Partridge 2,  Green Woodpecker 1 + 1 Stubbs Wood.
Stubbs Wood:  Tawny Owl 1.
Thanks to Lynz Harston who  photographed this dapper male Reed Bunting this morning.

     Reed Bunting      ACP          LH

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