Wednesday 18 March 2015

Wombwell Ings tree cutting

I have been asked to put the following message on the blog regarding the tree felling taking place on Wombwell Ings-; The Environment Agency has started work today on the flood bank at Wombwell Ings. These works are a result of an inspection by a Panel Engineer, who has recommended the removal of the hedge on the flood bank. This should also reduce the impact of poaching by horses, and will also allow the EA to maintain the flood bank in a more appropriate manner. Permissions have been obtained from Natural England, and the RSPB has fed back, although it is a mature hedge, there is little species conservation value and no significant breeding nesting birds in the hedgerow. Please note that due to a change in the Law, recommendations set out by Panel Engineers are now a legal requirement. The Environment Agency have agreed to plant a compensation hedgerow. Thank You.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the info. What is meant by "reduce the impact of poaching by horses"?

  3. Don't know Al, I've repeated the message as it was sent to me. Seemed strange wording to me too.

  4. From a quick google -
    Overgrazing during winter often causes 'poaching' (where land loses
    grass cover becoming very muddy).


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