Tuesday 22 September 2015

Carlton Marsh

27 birds caught this morning included 3 Reed Buntings, one of which looks like a Wintersett bird Z338601. Can you give me details of this Pete? Also 2 juv Reed Warblers, 6 Chiffchaffs, Blackcap and Coal Tit, this is only the 8th ringed here since 1975.
Among the retraps were; Kingfisher SB59410 ringed here as a juv on August 8th and a Willow Tit ringed here on the same date.
Also of note were; Tawny Owl calling, Sedge Warbler, another Reed Warbler, c15 Chiffchaffs, 3 Water Rails calling, Snipe and Little Egret.

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