Tuesday 22 September 2015

Wintersett 21.09.15 + 22.09.15

There is very little change here, but here are the notables.
Anglers CP: Kingfisher 1,  Teal 5 and Shoveler 42 + 6 WRes.
Butterfly:  Small White 1 WRes.

Anglers CP: Lesser Whitethroat 1♂ singing,  Siskin 3S,  Shoveler 64. 
27 birds were ringed today, including: 12 Lesser Redpoll,  7 Reed Bunting,  4 Chiffchaff,  2 Reed Warbler and 1 Blackcap.
Butterflies:  A Brown Argus was on the Pol.  On WRes,  Ralph Hibbert and Les Corrall saw a Comma, 2 Green-veined White and a Large White.

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