Sunday 3 April 2016

Carlton Marsh

This morning 2 Redshank, a Curlew flew north followed by 2 Swallows, our first of the spring. A Barn Owl was hunting from 09.30hrs. (Jim Plant/Dick Laverack/Rod Heeley)

Both Buzzards were airborne, Kingfisher, Water Rail 3 (1 singing) 11 Chiffchaffs were singing, 2 Grey Wagtails and 2 Little Owls were sat out in the open on the lorry chassis. 2 Pairs of Coot have a total of 12 young and more adults are brooding eggs.
A Peacock and 2 Small Tortoiseshell butterflies were enjoying the sun.

This afternoon Gary Standish saw the Barn Owl take a Weasel and  the Barn Owl was seen hunting again for the 3rd time at 19.39hrs. c15 Yellow Buntings roosted and 2 Pipistrelle Bats were flying at dusk.

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