Monday 4 April 2016

The Edge 04.04.16

Wombwell Ings - Present were 2 Mute Swan, 19 Canada Geese, 17 Greylag, 5 Shelduck, 1 Pink Footed Goose, 65 Wigeon, 22 Tufted Duck, 17 Mallard, 13 Teal, 13 Shoveler, 11 Gadwall, 5 Pochard, 2m Goosander, 3 Little Egret, 5 Coot, 3 Moorhen, 2 Kestrel, 1 Sparrowhawk, 6+ Lapwing, 3 Redshank, 2 Golden Plover, 9 BH Gull, 1 LBB Gull, 6+ Skylark, 2 male Wheatear, and 3 singing Chiffchaff. Mick Rushton had a Song Thrush and a Goldcrest in Broomhill Park.
 Warbler Way - With a total of 13 singing males, it appears nearly all of last year's Chiifchaff territories are now occupied. Also noted were 2 singing Song Thrush plus 4 Tufted Duck and 4 Grey Wagtail on the R.Dearne.
Bolton Ings - Highlights were two firsts, for me, on Bolton Ings this year  - a singing Willow Warbler and unusually, a female Wheatear perched on top of a bush. On the open water were 3 Mute Swan, 14 Canada Geese, 6 Greylag, 29 Tufted Duck, 13 Pochard, 10 Mallard, 9 Gadwall, 1m+2f Goldeneye, 3 Shoveler, 2 Teal, 9 Little Grebe, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 53 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 464 BH Gull and 5 LBB Gull.Also present were 1 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Cormorant, 2 Green Woodpecker, 1 Kingfisher, 6 Sand Martin and 1 Swallow.

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