Saturday 9 July 2016

Edderthorpe, first week of July

The first signs of autumn are becoming evident here with a few waders returning even though there are virtually no muddy edges for resting or feeding. Each time a bit of mud appears a new front passes through and the rains push the water levels back up!
Two broods of Shoveler are on Houghton (7 and 2+), along with a good number of Mallard and Gadwall broods. Only 2 Tufted broods up to now though.
Little Egrets have peaked at 6, all adults, including one with colour rings.
Up to 3 Avocets have been on Houghton most of the week ,One or two Green Sandpipers are daily on Houghton with a few Common Sandpipers usually on Edderthorpe. Up to 3 Redshank remain including a couple of juveniles, presumably reared nearby. Common Snipe are arriving back in the last 3 days, up to 7 on 9th. Just single Ringed Plovers have been seen and Little Ringed Plovers also appear to have had a bad breeding season. The first week in July is usually the peak time for LRP numbers;- 28 in 2013, 24 in 2015 at Edderthorpe, but this year birds have been seen on only 2 days during this first week with a max of two. On the plus side the two LRPs were juveniles so they have bred successfully somewhere (probably) locally. A single Dunlin was present on 7th and a Black-tailed Godwit on 5th. A newly hatched Lapwing chick was by the Flash on 8th and adult Lapwings have reached 77 as the moult build-up begins.
Not too many passerines around but a family party of Willow Tits by the western railway is noteworthy.

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