Thursday 7 July 2016

Wintersett 07.07.16

19 degrees, warm with mainly 8/8 cloud and a light south westerly.
Wintersett Res: Tufted Duck 8 small young left, from a brood of 10.
Anglers CP: Common Tern 2 and Grey Wagtail 1.
Butterflies  in the area today, per Ralph Hibbert and Les Corrall:  Ringlet 194,  Meadow Brown 11 (a very low number for this time of year), Speckled Wood 8,  Tortoiseshell 1, Large Skipper 3 and Large White 1  
Of interest: Les Corrall found a Marbled White Butterfly at South Kirkby Stack  04.07.16
Moth trapping  overnight produced  Sycamore , Golden Plusia (not seen here for many years),  3 Lilac Beauty, Green Arches and Beautiful Carpet.

              Golden Plusia                 ASmith

                       Sycamore                 ASmith

1 comment:

  1. Golden Plusia taken in Dave Smith's Carlton garden this week


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