Saturday 14 January 2017

Carlton Marsh

It was a beautiful day for a nostalgic walk round with John Armitage. (JSA) John came to live in Farfield Cottages (opposite  the car park entrance) with his parents in 1959 until 1969. During that time he was heavily involved with the Wakefield Naturalist Society and the Wintersett Reservoirs, ringing hundreds of birds with Pete Smith and others. In later years he worked for the RSPB as the North West Regional Organiser and was based at Huddersfield. After spending the past 16 years north of the border, John now lives on the Moorland fringe in the Barnsley area.
So, the wetland that he knew at Carlton marsh is totally different to how he remembers it, but in a positive way. It was a very enjoyable morning.
The following are just some of the birds we saw. 7 Tufted Duck, c20 Gadwall, Teal, Grey Heron, Buzzard, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, Stock Dove, Dabchick, 5 Bullfinch, Willow Tit, 5 Common Gull, 10 Jackdaw and a Fox patrolling the wader scrape. Other observers reported Song Thrush, Redwing and Siskin. The latter is our first for 2017!
If you want read John's blog - which includes blues man John Law on guitar.

Male Siskin (Richard Laverack)


  1. Is there really a 'Wakefield Naturist Society'? Sounds a bit cold for a winter hobby

  2. Is that what they call a freudian slip?


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