Saturday 14 January 2017

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 14.01.17

0 - 5 degrees with 8/8 and a cool north westerly breeze.
Anglers CP: Barn Owl 1 at dawn.  A Pink-footed Goose flew NW at 09.56hrs
Woodcock 1  + 1 WRes..
Santingley: Redwing 28
Disposal Point: Redpoll 80 + Meadow Pipit 1
Wintersett Res:  Cetti's Warbler 1 male north bank + 1 south east corner.
Walton Hall: Psycho, the usual Adult Yellow-legged Gull,  was on  the lake  mid afternoon and then flew into ACP to roost late afternoon.
Both Gull Roosts were watched this afternoon.  At WRes. lots of large gulls were flying in just before dark.   A combination of late arrivals,  birds moving to different areas of the lake and then swimming in close formation hindered viewing,.  Just one one notable was picked up - the adult Caspian Gull with the bill spot. 
Area Totals: Great Black-backed Gull      440        300  WRes  + 140 ACP
                      Herring Gull                        2533      2500  WRes  +   33  ACP
                      Lesser Black-backed Gull        6            5  WRes   +     1  ACP

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