Sunday 17 September 2017

Ewden lodge and return, 17/9/17.

All the seasons in one day here. Some horrible rain and cold wind, warm in the sun and spring like with singing Chiffchaff and Wren. No Harriers but Merlin mobbing ad. fem. Peregrine with a good size comparison. Sparrowhawk 1, C Buzzard 8, Kestrel 6+. 4 Ring Ouzels showed well in flight with another one among 21 Mistle Thrushes south of the s bend. Two groups of Stonechats with 4 low down the track at the dried up stream and 3 in the s bend area. Ravens, a total of 9, Curlew 1, heard twice near the lodge, Siskin 4. 150+ House Martins were blogging near holt farm with a few going s. with Swallows at the lodge. Still Meadow Pipit movement with a total of 118 going south, mostly at the lodge.

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