Sunday 17 September 2017

Wintersett 17.09.17

9 - 14 degrees with mostly  8/8 cloud and a cold, light  northerly.  A heavy shower mid afternoon.
Anglers CP Vis.Mig. 07.00 - 12.00hrs 
1 Snipe north.   4 Redshank north east.  
50 Meadow Pipit  south east.  
 2 Jay west.   2 Grey Wagtail,  5 Chaffinch  and 2 Cormorant south west.
Anglers CP:  13 Wigeon dropped in (8 + 5) .  SWIFT 1,  Hobby 1
Wintersett Res:  A Marsh Harrier flew over low, going west 15.30 during heavy shower.
The Little Gull was present until mid morning when it flew over to Anglers CP.  It was  back on WRes. by mid afternoon. . Yellow-legged Gull 1.  Grey Wagtsil 4.  Hobby 3 over and then over CHRes..  A singing male Cetti's Warbler was in the north east corner and another was on the west bank marsh.  The female Cetti's Warbler from the ruin area was retrapped in the west bank clump this morning. 
56 birds were ringed including:  14 Chiffchaffs,  5 Blackcaps,  4 Reed Warblers, 1 Sedge Warbler,  8 Reed Buntings and 2 Grey Wagtails.

Little Gull                ACP    PMeredith
  Grey Wagtail        WRes  RBailey (above)   JHolliday (below)

Late report : An Osprey flew  south over WRes.    19:30 hrs   15/9/17 (Vernon - fisherman))

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