Saturday 24 March 2018

Carlton Marsh

After a long and influential life, its great that DJS is remembered by so many people. Graham's piece is a very fitting tribute to a great man. 

New in today Chiffchaff. 68 Herring Gulls, 2 Common Gulls and a Redshank were on the Wader Scrape. A Goldcrest was singing near the hide along with a Willow Tit, one of which was re-trapped (red right leg, dark blue left leg minus transmitter that was attached on 22/2/18). This bird was tracked to Rabbit Ings and back before the transmitter came off. A distance of around 1km.
Also present a pair of Great Spot Woodpeckers and a Green Woodpecker 'Yaffling'. Single Redpoll and Meadow Pipit flew over and Kingfisher and 2 water Rails were on the main scrape. Birds of prey included Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. 8 Reed Buntings were singing from breeding territories.

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