Saturday 24 March 2018

Wintersett Epic gRafting - What a team! 24.03 .18

A mild,and, thankfully,  calm day with 7 - 10 degrees and 8/8 cloud.
A  couple of weeks ago,  inspired and led by Graham Speight, the Wintersett Team had  procured and transported materials to Anglers  CP so that a small tern raft could be assembled.
Today was the day to complete the first raft and assemble  a second larger tern raft.  Then, under the watchful eye of Bob Pipkin, Anglers Country Park Manager,  float and anchor  both rafts on the lake.
We met in the car park at 08.00hrs.  First task was to transport all required materials and tools up to the lake, in front of the hide.

Chris S and Paul M  - bringing gravel   Anglers CP  24.03.18

Graham Speight   preparing to attach floats    ACP   ASmith
By 09.30 the 2nd raft assembly was beginning to take shape, so 3 of the team went to collect the new boat.  Paul and Pete W had the honour of rowing  it up the lake.

PeteW  and PaulM                AnglersCP                 ASmith

Paul M,  Pete S,  Chris,   Graham ,  Pete W  2nd Raft completed   ACP   ASmith
Unfotunately, I had to leave at 11.00 hrs  so didn't see the launch and siting of the two rafts.
The rafts were sited and anchored safely by Graham and Chris.   No one fell in, so Bob breathed a huge sigh of relief.  Many thanks to him for coming in on his day off to provide the health and safety requirements  on this WMDC site.  We are sorry he is leaving us on Thursday, but after today, he was going out on a high. I spoke later to Pete S , who said everything had gone to plan and work was completed by 14.00hrs.  

Two fantastic new Tern Rafts        Anglers CP             GJSpeight
What a great team!

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