Sunday 25 March 2018

Carlton Marsh

A Common Gull and 90 Herring Gulls were on the wader scrape this morning. Nearby was a Band of 8 Jays (unusual that many at this time of year) and Coal Tit singing.
On the main marsh 2 Water Rails were 'Sharming' and 1 was singing. Our resident Buzzards were seen copulating so all bodes well with them. Also present Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, Siskin, 2 Redpoll, 2 Goldcrest, Chiffchaff and single Meadow Pipits heading north.
A Fox was returning to its 'Earth' at mid-day.
The warm sunshine soon started to tempt butterflies from hibernation. A male Brimstone was airborne and a Small Tortoiseshell was reported from Monk Bretton (DMS)

Storrs Mill - River Dearne
2 Grey Wagtail and a Treecreeper. Insects on show were 1 Orange Underwing Moth, 1 Small Tortoiseshell, 8 Comma and 2 Brimstone butterflies. Wood Anemone and the first Bluebells are in flower. (Chris Parkin)   

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