Sunday 25 March 2018

Low Moor 25/3/18.

3 to 5pm. Excellent light and good conditions but very steady. Raven 3, C Buzzard 2, Kestrel 3. Chipping Snipe 1, Oystercatcher 4, Curlews in double figures, Meadow Pipit 6 with 1 displaying. Dave Standring, DJS., Very sad news. I first met him on the moorland birding scene in the early nineties watching displaying Goshawks at midhope and broomhead reservoirs. I also enjoyed his hospitality drinking tea at his spurn caravan. Speaking to Jeff Lunn this morning, Dave was a mentor for quite a few Barnsley birders when they were younger. Cheers Dave, R.I.P., Stu Green.

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