Saturday 16 June 2018

Carlton Marsh

A couple of hours this morning saw 56 Herring, 19 L.B.B. Gulls and a new brood of 6 Coot on the wader scrape. On the main marsh Buzzard, Gt. Spot. W. Pecker, Mute Swan 2 plus 2 Cygnets, kingfisher, Cetti's Warbler, Garden Warbler and a new brood of 17 Gadwall (yes 17 all the same size with one female)!
A Grasshopper Warbler was 'reeling' on the western meadow and a single Willow Tit jumped briefly out of cover, too quick to see if it was colour ringed.
We haven't seen Pink Footed Goose since the 7th, are there any still in the Dearne Valley?

Pink Footed Goose 31/5/18 (Richard Laverack)

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