Friday 15 June 2018

Wintersett 15.06.18

Up to 17 degrees, sunny with scattered, but increasing cloud,  and a westerly breeze.
Anglers CP: 2 Black-headed Gulls were sitting on the large new raft.  Common Tern 2.  Little Grebe 1 adult. 
Wintersett Res: 3m Cetti's Warblers were heard - Botany road,  east bank and west bank.  4 juvenile Whitethroats were on the west bank.
Botany Paddock: Lesser Whitethroat 1 pair.
Cold Hiendley Res: 4 juvenile Grey Herons were together on the north bank. 

Old Royston Flash: Lapwing - 2 large flying juveniles + at least 1 very small young.  Yellow Wagtail 1 female.

Lepidoptera: Red Admiral 1 south east corner WRes.. 
Odonata: A Brown Hawker on the east bank WRes. was the first of the year.

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