Tuesday 30 October 2018

The Edge 30/10/2018

Wombwell Ings - Present were 25 Greylag, 16 Canada Geese, 61 Wigeon, 47 Teal, 16 Shoveler, 2 Mallard, 2 Grey Heron, 1 Sparrowhawk, 31 Lapwing, 7 Snipe, 3 Dunlin, 1 Golden Plover, 82 BH Gull, 2 Common Gull, 1 LBB Gull, 2 Skylark, 2 Stonechat, 50+ Linnet and 1 Reed Bunting. K. Fisher also had a Willow Tit and Coal Tit on Doveside, a Nuthatch on Spring Bank and 3 Grey Wagtail on the R.Dearne.
Broomhill Flash - Highlight was a cc Marsh Harrier that flew in at 10.39am and was still hunting over the flash  when we left 25 minutes later. Also noted were 3 Mute Swan, 350+ Canada Geese, 63 Greylag, 20 Pink Footed Geese over west (P. Kent), 50 Shoveler, 44 Teal, 15 Wigeon, 14 Tufted Duck, 10 Mallard, 4 Pochard, 3 female Goldeneye, 2 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 3 Coot, 2 Moorhen, 19 Lapwing, 7+ Snipe, 25 BH Gull, 30+ Stock Dove, 1 Grey Wagtail and 30+ Linnet.
TPT - 10+ Fieldfare over and a Jay.
Bolton Ings - On the open water were 2+2y Mute Swan, 9 Pochard, 3 Mallard, 1 Teal, 1 Tufted Duck, 2 Little Grebe, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 7 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 321 Coot, 1 Moorhen, 6 Common Gull, 3 Herring Gull and 1 LBB Gull. Also present were 1 Kestrel, 19 Lapwing and 4 Black Tailed Godwit,

1 comment:

  1. Addition to list/records - Jack Snipe seen 30/10/18 Broomhill Flash - see tweet from L Graham.


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