Monday 29 October 2018

Wintersett + Vis Mig. 29.10.18

2 - 7 degrees with frosty start, 1/8 cloud and a light northerly.
Anglers CP:  Common Scoter  2 female typeMeadow Pipit 4 in field by Willow Wood.
Cold Hiendley Res:  Scaup  1  1CY drakeA male Cetti's Warbler was singing quietly on the north bank.
Anglers CP Vis.Mig: 06.30 - 10.00hrs
Going west: Pink-footed Goose 28.  Starling  2310.  Blackbird 1.  Mistle Thrush 2.  Chaffinch 3. Lesser Redpoll 1.
Going south: Rock Pipit 1.  Reed Bunting 1.
Going south west: Snipe 1.  Wood Pigeon 600.    
Going north west: Starling 2310.  Fieldfare 220.  Redwing 244.
Going east: Dunlin 1.

          1CY Drake Scaup       Cold Hiendley Res.    SDenny
1CY Drake Scaup       Cold Hiendley Res.    SDenny

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