Friday 19 October 2018

Wintersett + VisMig + Gull Roost 19.10.18

6 - 13 degrees with 4/8 cloud and a light westerly.
Anglers CP Vis Mig: An excellent morning with a good number of Wood Pigeons and the first really good push of continental Starlings (more tomorrow hopefully :-). A highlight was the first vig mig Woodcock for ACP hill!
Going south west: Wood Pigeon 6100Skylark 44.  Fieldfare  67.  Redwing  120.  Meadow Pipit 19.
Song Thrush 1.  Lesser Redpoll 16. 
Going west: Woodcock 1 at 10.20hrs, (a firstVisMigfor this sp.).    Starling 1351. Brambling 28 (9+1+14+1+3) Pink-footed Goose 32.  Snipe 5.  Chaffinch 69 (record count broken by 6!)
Going east: Rock Pipit 2 at 08.05hrs. 
Going south: Mistle Thrush 3. Golden Plover 2.  Green Finch 5.  Siskin 15.
3 Whooper  Swans flew south at 07.45hrs and 15 dropped in from the west at  09.40hrs, stayed on ACP lake all day then left east at sunset.
For complete counts, per Paul Meredith,  see
Anglers CP: Goosander 19.  Wigeon 77.  Pochard 19 + 6 WRes. + 17 CHRes..
Wintersett Res:  2  Water Rail were heard - one east bank and one in the boathouse reeds.
Anglers CP Gull Roost: per Steve Denny. Herring Gull 240,  Great Black Backed Gull 140, Lesser Black backed Gull 132.

  Some of the Whooper Swans      ACP at dusk       SDenny

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