Saturday 20 October 2018

Wintersett + Vis.Mig + Ringing + Evening 20.10.18

7 - 14 degrees with 3/8 cloud and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP Vis.Mig: 
Going south: Whooper Swan 1 at 08.35hrs.   Mute Swan 3 at 10.13hrs.  Peregrine 1.
Going south west: Wood Pigeon 260.
Going west: Pink-footed Goose 90 at 10.10hrs.  Skylark 3.  Fieldfare 658. Redwing 329.  Brambling 32 (7+2+ 7+16).  Siskin 1.
Going north west: Starling 1904.
Going east: Hawfinch  5 circled boathouse WRes at 16.35 then left east.
Anglers CP: Grey Heron 10.  Teal 15.  Little Grebe 3.  Pink-footed Goose 1.  
Wintersett Res: 2 singing male Cetti's Warblers - north bank and boathouse reeds.   Starling 650 roosted.  A Great White Egret flew over low and may have dropped in 17.50hrs.   10 adult Whooper Swans dropped in at 18.10hrs.
111 Birds were ringed: Highlights were- 77 Lesser Redpoll.  14 Goldfinch.  Greenfinch 8.  Reed Bunting 1.  Redwing 7.

                                           Great White Egret          WRes        PMeredith

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