Friday 5 July 2019

Wintersett 05.07.19

16 - 20 degrees with sun and varying cloud with a westerly breeze.
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 1.   Oystercatcher 5.  Greylag Goose 34
Wintersett Res: Pochard 5.  Tufted Duck 101.  Mallard 63 + 20 ACP + 2 fledged young, + 3 small young +  4 small young.   Goldeneye 1 female and 2 1st summer males.  Nuthatch 1 in the Willow Wood.  A Willow Tit was on the east bank.  A Cetti's Warbler brood was calling on the east bank. Kingfisher 1.
Odonata: A male Red-eyed Damselfly was on Botany Bay.
Lepidoptera: A Large Skipper  was on the east bank WRes..

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