Saturday 6 July 2019

Wintersett 06.07.19

14 - 18 degrees with sunny spells, varying cloud and an easterly breeze.
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 3.  Little Ringed Plover 3.  Lapwing 53.  Redshank 2 south west. Grey Heron 2.  Oystercatcher 2. 
Haw Park Wood:  A Raven flew over west at 10.40hrs.
Wintersett Res: An adult Yellow-legged Gull was on at 14.45hrs.
Cold Hiendley Res: Tufted Duck 5 very small young.  Common Tern 5.  Grey Wagtail 1 male+ 4 juveniles + 2 unaged were on the spillway.
Lepidoptera:  Purple Hairstreak 1 HPWood and 5 + in the evening on Haw Park Lane.
Odonata:  Red-eyed Damselfly 1 male Botany Bay.

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