Tuesday 26 May 2020

26/5/20 Wharncliffe Chase

A fine, warm morning with some cloud cover..

2 Whitethroats sang from territories near farm buildings. Goldfinch, Linnet, Skylark and Stock Dove  (11) were relatively numerous with 3 of the latter singing. A Cuckoo sang intermittently and Tree Pipits (7) gave good views as did a feeding male Green Woodpecker. A Raven pair were also near the flash.

A feeding group of c200 Starlings, including many young, was nice to see and Lapwing (5) and a Curlew are were present although no confirmation of breeding success yet. A new Yellowhammer pair were nest building at the southern end and 3 Swift fed overhead.

3 Stonechats (male + pair) were on territory, a Redstart sang from Roundabout plantation and a Garden Warbler gave good views near the farms. Finally, the Wood Warbler remains on territory in Greno Wood giving extended song bursts.

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