Tuesday 26 May 2020

Wintersett 26.05.20

A very warm 17 - 20 degrees with 8/8 cloud and an easterly breeze.
Anglers CP: A Ringed Plover was in the shallows.  Little Ringed Plover 3.  Yellow Wagtail 1 on east bank.
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 1f. 
Mallard Broods:  3 + 2 large WRes..  5 small + 3 large  ACP.
Lepidoptera: Red Admiral 1 CHRes..  Orange Tip 2 males Willow Wood.
Two Tawny Owlets were in the area. 
Overnight moth trapping was quiet with highlights being the 2nd record of Chocolate Tip, 2 Seraphim and a Silver Y.
                             Tawny Owlets                   ASmith

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