Saturday 3 October 2020

Wintersett 03.10.20

11 - 13 degrees with 8/8 grey cloud and rain all day!

Wintersett Res:  Two immature Scaup in front of boathouse on WintersettRes., then flew over to Anglers CP, returned to WRes at 10.30hrs.   Goldeneye 4 females + 1 female Anglers CP.  Little Grebe 10 + 7 ACP.  Goosander 2 over.   Snipe 4 + 1 ACP.  Dunlin 5 over.  Swallow 5.  House Martin 9 

Anglers CP:  The 3 Black-necked Grebes.  A Dunlin flew north. Teal 21.  Great Crested Grebe 15.  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  Chiffchaff 2.  

 2 immature Scaup   WRes     SDenny

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