Friday 2 October 2020

Wintersett + VisMig. 02.10.20

12  - 13 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a cold north easterly wind. 

Wintersett Res. VisMig: 

 Going north:  A Grey Plover landed on weed in the water, then left north 07.30hrs - 07.40hrs.  

Going south: Swallow 1.  House Martin 6.

Anglers CP: Black-necked Grebe 3.  House Martin 4 + 6 WRes..  Snipe 2.  

Wintersett Res:  5 male Cetti's Warbler - 2 north bank + 1 SW Botany Bay + 1m NE bank + 1 boathouse bench    Chiffchaff 8 + 1 ACP.   Pochard 67.  Teal 13.   Goldeneye 4 females.  Willow Tit 1 SW corner. A Red Kite flew north over,  and 30 Linnets were in the Ruin field.  5 Common Sandpipers on the boathouse walkway late this afternoon.  A 1stW Mediterranean Gull was in at 15.45hrs. A Dunlin flew over.  45 Robins were around WRes. + Botany Bay.

Odonata: Migrant Hawker 1 south bank WRes..   

Lepidoptera:  WRes. Small White 1 west bank and a Speckled Wood was by the boathouse bench.

                      3/5 Common Sandpipers - boathouse walkway WRes. late afternoon   SDenny

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