Saturday 1 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

The wader scrape had 1 LRP, 1 Lapwing and 1 LBB Gull. A family of 5 Mistle Thrush were on a nearby horse pasture and a pair were feeding fledged young in the car park.

So as it was quiet I went to look for day flying moths etc. Although there was little sunshine, I managed to find 3 Yellow Shell and 24 Burnet Companion moths along with single Small Heath and Common Blue butterflies. (CG)

News from the B.T.O of a local recovery of a Blue Tit S395266 that was ringed at Carlton Marsh as a 2nd calendar year bird at 14.29hrs on 19/1/2020. 
It was found after it flew into a glass window on Royston Road, Cudworth on 27/5/2024 at the home of Mr. Brian Guest. A distance of 2kms 1,590 days after it was ringed.
This is prime site for the Small Blue butterfly 92 were counted today. Along with 3 Large Skipper, 12 Common Blue, 2 male Brimstone, 1 female Orange-tip and 2 Brown Argus -13 species.
Also of note 2 Grey Partridge, 12 House Martin, a Common Lizard and Spotted Orchid (Chris Parkin).

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