Friday 7 June 2024

Carlton Marsh

1 LRP today on the wader scrape with a Lapwing and 2 Grey Herons. This evening 7 House Martins and c20 Swifts. A Leopard Slug (Limax maximus) was only our second record it (K. Bannister).

Around mid-day this year's first Meadow Brown was airborne along with 1 Common Blue. 

Other insects of interest were 34 Burnet Companion and a Blood Vein moth. 

Also of note a Wasp Beetle (Clytus arietis) that was new to the data base, a Two-banded Spearhorn (Chrysotoxum bicinctum) and our first Banded Demoiselle of the year. A Spotted Orchid was also found (Chris Parkin).

Blood Vein Moth (C. Parkin)
House Martin (S. Cox)
Speckled Wood (S. Cox)
Wasp Beetle ( Clytus arietis) (C. Parkin)

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